
The true rat status. A small appeal to Mr Dragnea’s intelligence

The true rat status. A small appeal to Mr Dragnea’s intelligence

You only have to feel with your mustache around you, Mr. Dragnea, for the stench scattered by dozens of PSD branches relieving themselves on Simona Halep’s statue to hit you. You realize, I think, that only the sick mind of a desperate rat could have imagined such an infamy. Mr. Ponta exposed him, well-informed of the rats in your garden. We also found him, hidden on Facebook under false names, spreading outrageous lies and gross fakes to save Mrs. Firea from public mockery. After moving from one baron to another, you recovered him in Bucharest. With your fine senses you immediately smelled the potential.

I do not know how to qualify Mrs. Firea’s behavior, maybe you help me a little. How would you call a politician loathed by the crowd, who was booed out of a stadium? A politician who closes her Facebook accounts three times a day and sneaks her head out at times to see if the storm has passed, behaving like a …? Come on, say the word, I do not think it has a feminine form. You managed to smear in one day two authentic values, soprano Angela Gheorghiu and Simona Halep. You stain everything you touch, you would be able to destroy anyone who challenges you. Again, I feel the need you help me a little. Who bites, tears, and squeaks terribly when feeling cornered?

As you I know you an intelligent and humorous politician, you must see how well your party’s behavior resembles the dictionary definition: „RAT, omnivore rodent mammal, of the Muridae family, larger than a mouse, with a long tail covered with ring-shaped scales, living around dwellings, barns, warehouses, etc., causing great damage, common rat (Rattus norvegicus). ◊ HOME RAT = rat living in backyards, bridges, etc., causes great damage and transmits various infectious diseases (Rattus rattus)”

Your colleagues’ talent to sniff a full cellar, a full barn or a rich deposit is unique, and so is their science to rob them. Your party’s capacity to cause damage should make you think a little before calling others „rats”. Now, honestly, what do the prosecutors, NGOs, or #Rezist have to do with the barns and cellars? You and the barons are busy robbing those, not them.

I’d say, reading the above definition, that I remembered, Mr. Dragnea, of a certain rat, a word with a very special sound. I seem to remember there was one living in your party, one … pinkish. Do you remember him? You have so many authentic specimens around you that there is no point in looking anywhere else to make the real cleaning. I know you deeply dislike the idea, but I find myself compelled to repeat it: you must start with yourself, Mr. Dragnea. With the others it’s simple, you know how rats behave when they feel danger.

(Sursa foto: daunatori.info)

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8 comentarii

  1. Brilliant!
    Thank you, Dan!

  2. Superb scris!
    Sper sa prinda un ecou acest mesaj pentru tot partidul de la guvernamant, nu doar pentru Mr Dragnea.

    Succes in continuare!

  3. Superb articol. Sper că autorul nu se supără dar l-am distribuit pe FB. Și nu ar strica să îl postam și pe paginile filialelor PSD… Cat ne mai dau voie sa postam și acolo…..

  4. Ba esti nebun,se pare ca de la atata lins clantele ambasadei SUA ,Tapalaga a invatat si engleza!

    • stii asta din experienta ? ma refer la lick. Asa ai sperat ca se prinde rusa de tine ?

    • Intr-un fel sau altul, iata ca Tapalaga a invatat engleza. Cand si cum, e alta discutie. O limba straina nu se invata lingand clante, cum probabil vi se spune voua, la Latrina3. Asteptam sa invete si Veorica Vasilica romana.

  5. Oh, but do you think Dragnea can read this without Google translate!?? :)) I’m Afraid not! He can barely speak Romanian, so I don’t really understand why you even bother addressing to this genuine rat…