
VIDEO Vladimir Putin l-a apostrofat pe un jurnalist pentru că a tuşit…

VIDEO Vladimir Putin l-a apostrofat pe un jurnalist pentru că a tuşit ‘nepotrivit’ în timpul unui interviu: ‘Degeaba behăiţi!’

Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a făcut din viaţa sa personală şi a familiei sale secret de stat, iar atunci când presa încearcă să ridice măcar puţin vălul de pe acest mister, Putin este nemilos chiar şi cu ziariştii apropiaţi Kremlinului, potrivit mass-media ruse, preluate de Agerpres.

Întrebat despre una dintre fiicele sale în cadrul unui interviu acordat agenţiei oficiale de presă TASS, Putin – care nu a dorit să răspundă întrebare – l-a apostrofat pe Anton Vandenko atunci când acesta a tuşit, considerând că a făcut-o cu ‘subînţeles’: ‘Degeaba behăiţi!’, relatează postul de televiziune independent Dojd şi publicaţia Lenta.ru. Interviul este postat şi pe site-ul de internet al TASS.

Vandenko a dorit să afle cine este persoana cu cea mai mare autoritate pentru nepoţii şefului statului rus. ‘Ei sunt încă mici. Pe unul dintre ei, fiica mea a început deja să-l înveţe să înţeleagă ce înseamnă viaţa’, a răspuns Putin. Jurnalistul l-a întrebat despre care dintre cele două fiice ale preşedintelui este vorba, ştiindu-se că el are două fete, Maria şi Ekaterina, ţinute departe de ochii lumii după ce tatăl lor a urcat pe Olimpul puterii din Rusia la începutul anului 2000.

‘Ce contează?’, a replicat preşedintele rus, dând impresia că îşi păstrează calmul. În acel moment jurnalistul a exclamat ‘oh’ şi a tuşit. ‘Degeaba behăiţi!’, l-a apostrofat imediat Putin. ‘Nu behăi, tuşesc!’, nu s-a pierdut ziaristul cu firea. ‘Cu atât mai mult. Nu aveţi de ce tuşi. Nu trăiţi viaţa mea şi nu înţelegeţi ce înseamnă problemele de securitate. Când o persoană este departe de toate astea, nu le observă pur şi simplu’, a explicat preşedintele rus, păstrându-şi zâmbetul pe chip.

Fragmentul de interviu, ultima parte din proiectul special al TASS ’20 de întrebări pentru Vladimir Putin’, a fost dat publicităţii în urmă cu două zile, la 7 octombrie, când şeful statului rus a împlinit 68 de ani.

(Momentul la minutul 2:20):

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15 comentarii

  1. Asta e nimic, intr-o zi cu soare, acum un secol, PUTIN mi-a furat CEASUL.

    • Nu cumva te-a tâlhărit cu: „davai ceas, davai palton!” , dar ți-e rușine să recunoști ?
      PS. Puteai să-i dai liniștit un contoar de apă rece in loc de ceas, că rușii nu fac diferența…

    • Crezi că ”adevărații bad” care trollează pentru Sputnik știu să le deosebească? Și dacă le-ar fi desenat ciolovecii când le-au dat punctajul și tot n-ar fi în stare.

    • @Adevaratul Bad,
      D.J., te pricepi la metamorfoze, insa „CEASUL” te tradeaza.

  2. o sa vada daca stie sa zboare cat de curand

  3. Traducerea corecta e “degeaba grohăiți” 🙂

  4. Putin l-a intrebat dupa emisiune: „Un ceai, pentru tuse?” 😀

    • Un ceai de-al lui Putin te vindecă de toate bolile 🙂

    • Doua plusuri de la baiatu’ pentru amandoi :-))

    • Deși sunt multe ceaiuri pentru tuse, novicioc e singurul care te scapă și de behăit. Definitiv.

    • Răsunsă înca vocea bunicilor in minte. Au taiat tot, perne, pat draperii cautand sa fure ceva de valoare. Aurul fusese topit si trimis in australia dupa intrarea nemtilor in ardealul de nord, deci in afara de un ceas de mana si niste bijuterii mare lucru nu au luat. Dar relatarea lor ramane peste secole ca dovada a salbaticiei invaziei hoardelor sovietice.

    • 1. The United States Gold Reserve Act of January 30, 1934 required that all gold and gold certificates held by the Federal Reserve be surrendered and vested in the sole title of the United States Department of the Treasury.

      Adica statul a confiscat aurul „bancii nationale” (in realitate asociatie nationala a bancilor PRIVATE) cu vreo 10 ani inainte sa face ceva Dughin.

      2. A year earlier, in 1933, Executive Order 6102 had made it a criminal offense for U.S. citizens to own or trade gold anywhere in the world, with exceptions for some jewelry and collector’s coins. These prohibitions were relaxed starting in 1964 – gold certificates were again allowed for private investors on April 24, 1964, although the obligation to pay the certificate holder on demand in gold specie would not be honored. By 1975 Americans could again freely own and trade gold.

      Adica statul american le-a confiscat aurul cetatenilor, pentru „numai” 40 de ani. Tot asa, cu vreo zece ani inainte sa te inoportuneze Dughin. N-o sa-ti vina sa crezi ce faceau in timpul asta guvernele URSS, Germaniei etc.

      3. The passage of the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 signified that the American people could no longer hold gold, with the exception of jewelry and collectors’ coins. After the passage of the Gold Reserve Act several people were indicted for violating the clauses that restricted gold ownership and trade. Frederick Barber Campbell (who was actually convicted under the Gold Reserve Act’s predecessor, Executive Order 6102), was convicted of hoarding gold when he tried to withdraw 5,000 troy ounces of gold he had at Chase National Bank. Gus Farber, a diamond and jewelry merchant was arrested with his father and 12 others for illegally selling $20 gold coins without a license. The Baraban family was arrested for operating a gold scrap business under a false license. Foreign companies even had their gold confiscated. The Uebersee Finanz-Korporation, a Swiss banking company, had $1,250,000 in gold coins that were being held in the United States.

      Toti astia erau arestati de niste militieni de omenie, care iti dadea si o cafea in timp ce iti confiscau aurul. Americani fiind, probabil nu erau comunisti, dar nu stii niciodta.

      4. Preparing to rebuild the international economic system while World War II was still raging, 730 delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, also known as the Bretton Woods Conference. The delegates deliberated during 1–22 July 1944, and signed the Bretton Woods agreement on its final day. The United States, which controlled two thirds of the world’s gold, insisted that the Bretton Woods system rest on both gold and the US dollar.
      In a sense, the new international monetary system was a return to a system similar to the pre-war gold standard, only using U.S. dollars as the world’s new reserve currency until international trade reallocated the world’s gold supply. The U.S. dollar was the currency with the most purchasing power and it was the only currency that was backed by gold. Additionally, all European nations that had been involved in World War II were highly in debt and transferred large amounts of gold into the United States, a fact that contributed to the supremacy of the United States.

      Bancile europene au fost rugate sa stocheze dolari, ca aurul a plecat la Fort Knox si are treaba pe acolo. Dupa cum vei vedea mai jos, aurul ala chiar nu s-a mai intors. Pana in 1944, aurul europenilor era peste Ocean „ca sa nu il fure Hitler”, si dupa aia a ramas „ca sa construim un sistem monetar mondial”.

      Adica, fix in ziua in care Stalin confisca aurul romanilor, SUA confisca aurul „aliatilor” lor. Fara violenta, printr-o metoda asemanatoare cu cea aplicata de sovietici Romaniei in 1918, dar confiscat.

      5. By 1968, the attempt to defend the dollar at a fixed peg of $35/ounce, the policy of the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations, had become increasingly untenable. Gold outflows from the U.S. accelerated, and despite gaining assurances from Germany and other nations to hold gold, the unbalanced fiscal spending of the Johnson administration had transformed the dollar shortage of the 1940s and 1950s into a dollar glut by the 1960s.

      Adica natiunile bogate aveau mult prea multi dolari si insuficient aur. Pe dolar scria literalmente ca poate fi preschimba cu aur, dar era doar un text de agatat, ca alea ale lui Zuckerman.

      In Australia…

      6. In 1929 falling export prices and the cessation of long-term borrowing abroad called for special measures to conserve Australia’s overseas funds. The Commonwealth Bank Act in 1929 provided for the Bank (of which the Reserve Bank of Australia is the legal successor) to requisition all Australian gold in return for Australian notes. Formal action was never taken under this legislation but it marked the beginning of the end of holding of gold by banks and the public in Australia. In fact, there were no Commonwealth restrictions on the ownership and sale of gold between 1925 and 1939. Banks voluntarily accepted deposits with the Commonwealth Bank in return for their gold.
      The outbreak of World War II again called for special Commonwealth gold controls. In 1939 regulations under the Defence Act provided for the acquisition by the Commonwealth Bank of newly won and other gold; regulations under the Customs Act prohibited the export of gold from Australia without authority. After the war these controls were continued in the Banking Act and with some modifications were exercised by the Reserve Bank until today.

      In capusorul tau, bunica-ta trimitea aur in „libertatea australiana”. Poti sa spui miniciuna asta cui te-o crede. In lumea reala, nimeni din Australia nu a mai vazut aur dupa 1939. Tot asa, niste militieni de omenie au arestat australienii care aveau aur. Le dadeau o gustare, o cafea, si le confiscau aurul cu multa politete.

      7. By 1965 the pool was increasingly unable to balance the outflow of gold reserves with buybacks. Excessive inflation of the US money supply, in part to fund the Vietnam War, led to the US no longer being able to redeem foreign-held dollars into gold, as the world’s gold reserves had not grown in relation, and the payment deficit had grown to US$3 billion. Thus, the London Gold Pool came under increased pressures of failure, causing France to announce in June 1967 a withdrawal from the agreements and moving large amounts of gold from New York to Paris. Amidst accelerating inflation in the United States, this unsustainable situation collapsed in May 1971, when West Germany was the first to withdraw support for the dollar and officially abandon the Bretton Woods accords, fueling a quick decline in the value of the dollar.Under pressure from currency speculation, Switzerland declared secession in August with $50 million in gold purchases, and France followed suit at the rate of $191 million. This brought the US gold reserves to their lowest level since 1938.

      In response, on 15 August 1971, Nixon issued Executive Order 11615 pursuant to the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, unilaterally imposing 90-day wage and price controls, a 10% import surcharge, and most importantly „closed the gold window”, making the dollar inconvertible to gold directly, except on the open market.

      Deci primele trei tari au primit ceva aur dela americani. Restul au primit Multa UE. A inchis Dughin fereastra, ma-ntelegi.

      8. The events of 1971 ignited the onset of a gold bull market culminating in a price peak of US$850 in January 1980.

      In astia 40 de ani, guvernul SUA a „cumparat” aurul cu 35 de dolari uncia de la „aliati”. Dar cand au vrut si aia aur, s-a marit pretul de 20 de ori.

      9. For Australians who are part of this growing group gold owners and investors, maintaining the physical security and ownership of their gold continues to be of paramount concern given Part IV of the Banking Act 1959. Part IV contains legislative provisions providing the Governor-General with the legal power to sign a proclamation requiring all gold in Australia, except for gold coins or ‘wrought’ gold, to be handed over to the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA), within a month, in exchange for legal tender. Such legal tender would be in the form of either physical or digital fiat currency, with the amount exchanged based on an RBA-prescribed gold price. These confiscation provisions can be triggered in order to ‘protect’ the value of the Australian dollar or the Commonwealth’s ‘public credit’.
      Historically, several of these provisions were legally active up until 30 January 1976 whereupon the then Federal Treasurer, the Honourable Philip Lynch announced that the Governor-General suspended Part IV of the Banking Act.

      Pe romaneste, in Australia exista o lege care obliga cetatenii sa predea orice aur la banca. Legea era teoretic adresata minerilor. De fapt, legea stipuleaza si o cantitate maxima de aur pe care poate sa aiba in mana un bijutier. E o lege de control a aurului punct. Legea este inca in vigoare, doar ca banca nationala a decis in 1976 sa nu o aplice. Reaminteste-mi, cand a trimis bunica banii in Australia? INiante sau dupa ’76?

      De aia majoritatea occidentalilor sunt intrigati cand vad arabi sau latinoamericani cu ghiul. Ei nu au avut voie la aur, ca il luase Dughin pe tot si il dusese la Fort Knox. Australienii se uita la baietii cu aur pe ei, cum se uita Doina Cornea de pe balcon la vecinii care taie porcul. Parca era ceva bun in porc, dar saraca nu isi mai aminteste. Alminteri, baune de desteapta ce e.

      Exista o singura varianta ca bunicii tai sa duca aurul „la libertate in Australia”. Baietii lui Florin Salam au aur indiferent de tara, de epoca si de legi. Esti dintr-aia etnici? Nu e de mirare ca te-au oprimat si sovieticii cei rai.

  5. Trolii neo sovieticii se roaga sa nu fi fost tusea asta noua care nu poate fi oprita de rachetele ciolovece :).

  6. «Degeaba behăiți!» – un titlu de articol ticluit anume pentru turma de ovine spălate pe creier (aka comentatorii tocmiți ai g4media) spre a-i ațâța la a-și behăi (sic!) aici umorile rusofobe.
    FYI vebul ”to snort” folosit în clip se traduce ”a pufni”.

    • Degeaba va scremeti.Dupa 89 nu v-am luat absolut NIMIC!Chiar erati pe plus si nu aveati datorii externe!Dar, cine v-a furat, daca nu noi???????????