Voices strongly promoted by Russian propaganda make the prime time agenda on Antena 3 and Romania TV
PSD political figure Liviu Pleşoianu, Daniel Dragomir, former Romanian Information Service (RIS) convicted for corruption in a first instance, journalist Bogdan Duca, and lawyer Dan Chitic are four public figures strongly promoted in the past two years by Sputnik, Russia’s official propaganda machine, funded directly by the Kremlin. The four individuals, who constantly display anti-EU and anti-American positions, are regularly invited by Antena 3 and Romania TV, TV stations controlled by moguls Dan Voiculescu and Sebastian Ghita.
Despite the fact that Antena 3 is trying to project a pro-American stance, prime-time shows often invite charlatans denouncing „American imperialism” and support Kremlin opnions.
As a matter of fact, in 2016, the US Embassy described both Antena 1 and Antena 3 as „large audience TV channels owned by mogul Dan Voiculescu … Often strident critics of the institutions of the rule of law, prosecutors, the United States of America, and the European Union „.
Liviu Plesoianu appears in over 200 articles featured on the Russian-language Sputnik, often adorned with qualifiers such as „one of the most active Romanian lawmakers”, „the best-rated political politician of the new wave,” „the PSD champion.” Sputnik defends all anti-European and anti-American initiatives, such as the project against civil society. The same ideas are frequently presented by Pleşoianu in Antena 3 and Romania TV studios.
Daniel Dragomir, former RIS Colonel, convicted for corruption in a first instance, is the initiator of the Roexit idea – Romania’s exit from the EU. He often appears in Sputnik, with over 160 dedicated articles. Among the references used by Russian propaganda referring to him: „independent intellectual”, „the star of the debate”, „the man who had the courage to condemn the workings of the parallel state.” The Roexit idea was strongly promoted by Sputnik, on Antena 3, or Romania TV, where Dragomir is frequently invited.
Journalist Bogdan Duca, author of anti-Western violent articles on platforms such as Activenews, Sputnik and QMagazine, has also begun to be invited to Romania TV as well as the lawyer Dan Chitic.
We recall that Sputnik, the official propaganda platform of the Kremlin, is part of Rossiya Segodnia’s holding, owned by the Russian government.
Traducerea: Ruxandra Stoicescu
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