
Volodimir Zelenski i-a chemat pe Angela Merkel și Nicolas Sarkozy în Bucea, unde au fost masacrați sute de civili ucraineni: ”Să vadă la ce a dus politica de concesii către Rusia în 14 ani”/ Mesajul complet al lui Zelenski despre ”politica indeciziei” Occidentului față de Rusia
Președintele Volodimir Zelenski i-a invitat pe fostul cancelar german Angela Merkel și fostul președinte francez Nicolas Sarkozy în Bucea, un oraș din regiunea Kiev unde sâmbătă noapte au fost găsiți masacrați sute de civili ucraineni, se arată într-un mesaj publicat pe contul de Telegram al unui consilier al Ministerului de Interne de la Kiev.
- ”Să vadă la ce a dus politica de concesii către Rusia în 14 ani”, a transmis liderul Ucrainei într-un mesaj video publicat pe contul de Telegram de Anton Gerashchenko, consilier al Ministerului de Interne de la Kiev.
Zelenski a mai spus că este timpul ”ca aceste crime de război ale armatei ruse să fie ultima manifestare a acestui rău pe pământ”. Președintele Ucrainei a mai spus, în mesajul video adresat duminică seară, că vrea ca fiecare mamă de soldat rus să vadă trupurile celor uciși la Bucea, Irpin, Hostomel:
- ”Vreau ca fiecare mamă a fiecărui soldat rus să vadă trupurile celor uciși la Bucea, la Irpin, la Hostomel. Ce au făcut ei? De ce au fost uciși? Ce a făcut omul care se plimba cu bicicleta pe stradă? De ce au fost torturați până la moarte civili obișnuiți dintr-un oraș obișnuit și pașnic? De ce au fost strangulate femei după ce li s-au smuls cerceii din urechi? Cum au putut fi violate și ucise femei în fața copiilor? Cum au putut fi profanate cadavrele lor chiar și după moarte? De ce au strivit trupurile oamenilor cu tancurile? Ce a făcut orașul ucrainean Bucea Rusiei voastre? Cum au devenit posibile toate acestea? Mame de ruși! Chiar dacă ați crescut jefuitori, cum de au devenit și ei măcelari? Nu puteați să nu fiți conștienți de ceea ce este în interiorul copiilor voștri. Nu puteați să treceți cu vederea faptul că sunt lipsiți de tot ce este uman. Fără suflet. Fără inimă. Au ucis în mod deliberat și cu plăcere”, a transmis Zelenski în mesajul video de duminică noapte.
Despre sancțiunile suplimentare împotriva Rusiei, Zelenski a spus că acestea nu vor fi oricum suficiente și a vorbit despre politica indecisă a statelor NATO cu privire la statutul Ucrainei în raport cu alianța.
- ”Va exista cu siguranță un nou pachet de sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei. Dar sunt sigur că nu este suficient. Sunt necesare mai multe concluzii. Nu doar despre Rusia, ci și despre comportamentul politic care a permis de fapt ca acest rău să vină pe pământul nostru. Astăzi se împlinesc 14 ani de la summitul NATO de la București. Atunci a existat o șansă de a scoate Ucraina din „zona gri” din Europa de Est. Să ieșim din „zona gri” dintre NATO și Rusia.
- Din „zona gri”, în care Moscova crede că i se permite orice. Chiar și cele mai îngrozitoare crime de război.
- Sub declarații diplomatice optimiste că Ucraina ar putea deveni membră a NATO, apoi, în 2008, s-a ascuns refuzul de a accepta Ucraina în Alianță. S-a ascuns frica absurdă a unor politicieni față de Rusia. Au crezut că, refuzând Ucraina, vor putea să liniștească Rusia, să o convingă să respecte Ucraina și să trăiască normal alături de noi.
- În cei 14 ani care au trecut de la acea eroare de calcul, Ucraina a cunoscut o revoluție și opt ani de război în Donbas. Iar acum ne luptăm pentru viață în cel mai cumplit război din Europa de la cel de-al Doilea Război Mondial încoace.
- Îi invit pe doamna Merkel și pe domnul Sarkozy să viziteze Bucea și să vadă la ce a dus politica de concesii către Rusia în 14 ani. Să vadă cu ochii lor bărbații și femeile ucrainene torturate.
- Vreau să fiu înțeles corect. Noi nu dăm vina pe Occident. Nu învinovățim pe nimeni în afară de armata rusă care a făcut acest lucru împotriva poporului nostru.
- Și pe cei care le-au dat ordine. Dar avem dreptul să vorbim despre indecizie. Despre drumul spre un astfel de Bucea, spre un astfel de Hostomel, spre un astfel de Harkov, spre un astfel de Mariupol. Noi nu avem indecizie. Indiferent dacă suntem într-un anumit bloc sau nealiniați, înțelegem un lucru: trebuie să fim puternici.
- În urmă cu 14 ani, liderul Rusiei le-a spus la București liderilor occidentali că nu există o țară ca Ucraina. Iar noi dovedim că există o astfel de țară. A fost și va fi.
- Nu ne vom ascunde în spatele celor puternici din această lume. Nu vom implora pe nimeni.
- Sincer, nu ar fi trebuit să cerem ajutor cu arme pentru a ne proteja de acest rău care a venit pe pământul nostru. Toate armele necesare ar fi trebuit să ne fie date oricum – fără cereri. Pentru că ei înșiși și-au dat seama ce rău a venit și ce a adus cu el”.
Mesajul integral al lui Volodimir Zelenski, publicat de Anton Gerashchenko, consilier al Ministerului de Interne de la Kiev, pe contul de Telegram
It is time to do everything to make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of this evil on earth – address by the President of Ukraine
Today this address will be without greetings. I do not want any extra words.
Presidents do not usually record addresses like this. But today I have to say just that. After what was revealed in Bucha and our other cities the occupiers were expelled from. Hundreds of people were killed. Tortured, executed civilians. Corpses on the streets. Mined area. Even the bodies of the dead were mined!
The pervasive consequences of looting. Concentrated evil has come to our land. Murderers. Torturers. Rapists. Looters. Who call themselves the army. And who deserve only death after what they did.
I want every mother of every Russian soldier to see the bodies of the killed people in Bucha, in Irpin, in Hostomel. What did they do? Why were they killed? What did the man who was riding his bicycle down the street do? Why were ordinary civilians in an ordinary peaceful city tortured to death? Why were women strangled after their earrings were ripped out of their ears? How could women be raped and killed in front of children? How could their corpses be desecrated even after death? Why did they crush the bodies of people with tanks? What did the Ukrainian city of Bucha do to your Russia? How did all this become possible?
Russian mothers! Even if you raised looters, how did they also become butchers? You couldn’t be unaware of what’s inside your children. You couldn’t overlook that they are deprived of everything human. No soul. No heart. They killed deliberately and with pleasure.
I want all the leaders of the Russian Federation to see how their orders are being fulfilled. Such orders. Such a fulfillment. And joint responsibility. For these murders, for these tortures, for these arms torn off by explosions that lie on the streets. For shots in the back of the head of tied people.
This is how the Russian state will now be perceived. This is your image.
Your culture and human appearance perished together with the Ukrainian men and women to whom you came.
I approved a decision to create a special mechanism of justice in Ukraine for the investigation and judicial examination of every crime of the occupiers on the territory of our state. The essence of this mechanism is the joint work of national and international experts: investigators, prosecutors and judges. This mechanism will help Ukraine and the world bring to concrete justice those who unleashed or in any way participated in this terrible war against the Ukrainian people and in crimes against our people.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Office of the Prosecutor General, the National Police, the Security Service, the Intelligence Service and other structures within their competence must make every effort to ensure that the mechanism is operational immediately.
I call on all our citizens and friends of Ukraine in the world who can join this work and help establish justice to do so.
The world has already seen many war crimes. At different times. On different continents. But it is time to do everything possible to make the war crimes of the Russian military the last manifestation of such evil on earth.
Everyone guilty of such crimes will be included in a special Book of Torturers, will be found and punished.
I want you to realize that. We drove the enemy out of several regions. But Russian troops still control the occupied areas of other regions. And after the expulsion of the occupiers, even worse things can be found there. Even more deaths and tortures. Because this is the nature of the Russian military who came to our land. These are bastards who can’t do otherwise. And they had such orders.
All partners of Ukraine will be informed in detail about what happened in the temporarily occupied territory of our state. War crimes in Bucha and other cities during the Russian occupation will also be considered by the UN Security Council on Tuesday.
There will definitely be a new package of sanctions against Russia. But I’m sure that’s not enough. More conclusions are needed. Not only about Russia, but also about the political behavior that actually allowed this evil to come to our land.
Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the NATO summit in Bucharest. Then there was a chance to take Ukraine out of the „gray zone” in Eastern Europe. Out of the „gray zone” between NATO and Russia.
Out of the gray zone, in which Moscow thinks they are allowed everything. Even the most dreadful war crimes.
Under optimistic diplomatic statements that Ukraine could become a member of NATO, then, in 2008, refusal to accept Ukraine into the Alliance was hidden. The absurd fear of some politicians towards Russia was hidden. They thought that by refusing Ukraine, they would be able to appease Russia, to convince it to respect Ukraine and live normally next to us.
During the 14 years since that miscalculation, Ukraine has experienced a revolution and eight years of war in Donbas. And now we are fighting for life in the most horrific war in Europe since World War II.
I invite Mrs. Merkel and Mr. Sarkozy to visit Bucha and see what the policy of concessions to Russia has led to in 14 years. To see with their own eyes the tortured Ukrainian men and women.
I want to be understood correctly. We do not blame the West. We do not blame anyone but the specific Russian military who did this against our people. And those who gave them orders. But we have the right to talk about indecision. About the path to such Bucha, to such Hostomel, to such Kharkiv, to such Mariupol. We have no indecision. No matter whether we are in a certain bloc or non-aligned, we understand one thing: we must be strong.
Fourteen years ago, Russia’s leader in Bucharest told Western leaders that there was no country like Ukraine. And we prove that there is such a country. It was and it will be.
We will not hide behind the strong of this world. We will not beg anyone.
Honestly, we shouldn’t have asked for help with weapons to protect ourselves from this evil that came to our land. All the necessary weapons should have been given to us anyway – without requests. Because they themselves realized what evil had come and what it had brought with it.
We see what’s at stake in this war. We see what we are defending.
There are standards of the Ukrainian army – moral and professional. And it is not our army that has to adjust now. These are many other armies that should learn from our military.
And there are standards of the Ukrainian people. And there are standards of the Russian occupiers. This is good and evil. This is Europe and a black hole that wants to tear it all apart and absorb.
We will win this war. Even if individual politicians are still unable to overcome the indecision they will pass on to their successors together with their offices.
And all the necessary services are already working in Bucha to bring the city back to life. Restore electricity supply, water supply. Restore the work of medical institutions. Rebuild the infrastructure. Give security to people. Because Russia was expelled. And Ukraine is returning. And brings life back.
Today I visited our border guards, our heroes in the hospital of the Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Wounded warriors.
I presented state awards to the eight of them. I also awarded the orthopedist-traumatologist – medical service officer who is a leading military traumatologist in Ukraine and has already saved many Ukrainian defenders.
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