Who are the PSD members and Liberals who have gained political profile in the Ciolacu Government / The most spectacular advances are Marian Neacșu, the Prime Minister’s right-hand man, and Cătălin Predoiu, with PNL leadership ambitions
The governmental rotation has politically propelled several figures, both in the PSD and the PNL. The most significant advance in the hierarchy was made by Marian Neacșu. The trusted confidant of PSD leader Marcel Ciolacu has moved from the position of government secretary general to vice-premier. He has no senior position in the party, but is one of the most influential people in the PSD.
„Marcel Ciolacu won’t make a move without Marian Neacșu,” say some PSD members consulted by G4Media.ro. Significantly, Neacșu stood closest to Marcel Ciolacu in the vote of investiture in Parliament. According to G4Media.ro, Neacșu will oversee the work of the government’s general secretariat.
Of the two vice-premier positions, one of them will go to Neacșu, who will most likely ensure communication with local administrations in the territory, especially since there will be four rounds of elections next year.
Also of note in the PSD is the rise of Alfred Simonis to the Chamber of Deputies. From PSD group leader, Simonis has become interim president of the Chamber. Even though he comes from Timiș and is more a close friend of Grindeanu, Simonis has managed to enter the circle of the PSD president and win his trust.
Also among PSD ministers, it is worth noting that Gabriela Firea, Marcel Ciolacu’s internal rival in the party, was not only kept in the government but was also given the ministry of sports, which had been with the UDMR. Sorin Grindeanu was kept at the transport ministry, although he was once flirting with the leadership of the Chamber of Deputies, where he would have profiled himself better politically.
Alexandru Rafila, another PSD politician with big ambitions, was also kept at the Health Ministry, but received a big red card from one of his party colleagues. PSD deputy Patriciu Achimaș Cadariu accused him in harsh terms before the rotary that he had hijacked the national cancer plan.
Marcel Ciolacu is now the top leader in the PSD, having reached the pinnacle of his political power since being sworn in as prime minister. As recently as four years ago he was one of the marginal leaders in the PSD and without much prospect if Liviu Dragnea had remained in power.
The second deputy prime minister position is held by Cătălin Predoiu (PNL). His elevation to an important position in the government, coupled with that of interior minister, gives him visibility and the opportunity to capitalize politically if, just as he closed the MCV file when he was head of the justice ministry, he manages to close the Schengen chapter.
From this position, Cătălin Predoiu could claim more political power within the PNL or even ambitions to run for president. It is unclear whether the Liberals will try to change Nicolae Ciucă in the autumn from the PNL leadership or wait for the outcome of the Europarliamentary elections.
Another spectacular political leap within the PNL was made by the president of Brasov County Council, Adrian Veștea. On the wave of great administrative success, the opening of the first airport built from scratch in the last 50 years in Romania, Veștea was promoted to Bucharest, as Minister of Development. Veștea is proving to be a good communicator, at least so far. It is unclear whether he will want to use his political exposure in the government to move up the party hierarchy or use his political capital and increased notoriety to return to local government, possibly as a candidate for mayor of Brasov.
Note the pulling of former Interior Minister Lucian Bode to the sidelines. Bode fought until the last minute for a position in the government, despite accusations of plagiarism. Alina Gorghiu’s return to the judiciary and Raluca Turcan’s return to the culture ministry do not necessarily indicate domestic political ambitions, but rather a good relationship with the Cotroceni Palace.
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